Some cool new updates have arrived at Examine, with more to come! Check out the ways we’ve made your experience better:
Coming soon to members only: ExamineGPT
ExamineGPT is a large language model trained exclusively on Examine content that will help you find answers quickly and efficiently. Currently in beta.
Stay on the cutting edge
Targeted email alerts: Get detailed notifications for new content on pages you’ve saved. This includes every line we’ve updated and any new Study Summaries we’ve added!
Dynamic homepage: Our new homepage highlights the latest content, keeping you current.
Retraction notices: Studies that have been retracted will be marked.
Speed boost
- We've completely revamped our code, so the website is now 2-3x faster! Access the evidence you need in a snap.
More features on the horizon
- Effortless note-taking: Add your private insights to any page.
- Personalized collections: Organize and manage pages on health topics, FAQs, guides, and summaries, making it much easier to look up information later.
At Examine, we’re committed to providing you with unbiased, science-backed information you can trust. We’re constantly iterating to deliver you evidence-based insights faster and easier.
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Just contact us with any questions you have, or suggestions for future features you’d like to see.
Thank you for being a valued member of the Examine community!
The Examine Team