Two site improvements

    We’re making Examine better and better.

    Just two quick things from me this week:

    1. The Examine Database can now be filtered. Just start typing the name of the condition or outcome you’re looking for and it will start filtering. If you prefer the old style from before our Examine v2 launch, you can now also remove the condition row. And if you want to filter by grade and effect, just tap “More filters”.

    Scroll down this page, for example, to see it live.

    Examine Database filtering demo

    We’re working on bringing similar filtering features to our Study Summaries soon!

    2. You can now submit feedback more easily on Examine pages. There’s a feedback button on the right-hand side of every page.

    Examine feedback submission demo

    You can send us corrections, ideas, usability issues … anything, really! Even cat videos. I love cat videos. But seriously, more feedback will let us improve the site even faster.


    Kamal Patel Co-founder, Examine