Have any supplements been studied for acute respiratory infections?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Supplementation with specific micronutrients may help to reduce the risk and shorten the duration of an ARI. Vitamin C,[1] vitamin D,[2] and zinc[3][4] supplementation show the most consistent benefits for ARI risk and duration.[5]

    For more information, see this page: Which Supplements Can Help Against Colds And the Flu?


    1. ^Hemilä H, Chalker EVitamin C for preventing and treating the common coldCochrane Database Syst Rev.(2013 Jan 31)
    2. ^Martineau AR, Jolliffe DA, Hooper RL, Greenberg L, Aloia JF, Bergman P, Dubnov-Raz G, Esposito S, Ganmaa D, Ginde AA, Goodall EC, Grant CC, Griffiths CJ, Janssens W, Laaksi I, Manaseki-Holland S, Mauger D, Murdoch DR, Neale R, Rees JR, Simpson S Jr, Stelmach I, Kumar GT, Urashima M, Camargo CA JrVitamin D supplementation to prevent acute respiratory tract infections: systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant dataBMJ.(2017 Feb 15)
    3. ^Jennifer Hunter, Susan Arentz, Joshua Goldenberg, Guoyan Yang, Jennifer Beardsley, Stephen P Myers, Dominik Mertz, Stephen LeederZinc for the prevention or treatment of acute viral respiratory tract infections in adults: a rapid systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trialsBMJ Open.(2021 Nov 2)
    4. ^Min Xian Wang, Shwe Sin Win, Junxiong PangZinc Supplementation Reduces Common Cold Duration among Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials with Micronutrients SupplementationAm J Trop Med Hyg.(2020 Jul)
    5. ^Ajibola Ibraheem Abioye, Sabri Bromage, Wafaie FawziEffect of micronutrient supplements on influenza and other respiratory tract infections among adults: a systematic review and meta-analysisBMJ Glob Health.(2021 Jan)