How are acute respiratory infections diagnosed?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    ARIs are often diagnosed based on clinical symptoms alone. Sometimes swabs of the throat or nose, or sputum (phlegm) samples may be used to identify the organism causing the infection, which can help guide treatment.[1] A clinician may also perform a physical exam, including a visual check of the throat and ears, as well as using a stethoscope to listen to the lungs. Further testing, including blood work or a chest x-ray, can help determine the severity of the infection.[2]


    1. ^Thomas M, Bomar PUpper Respiratory Tract InfectionStatPearls.(2022 Jun)
    2. ^Stolz D, Christ-Crain M, Gencay MM, Bingisser R, Huber PR, Müller B, Tamm MDiagnostic value of signs, symptoms and laboratory values in lower respiratory tract infection.Swiss Med Wkly.(2006-Jul-08)