Bowel Cleansing

    Last Updated: October 13, 2024

    Bowel cleansing (or bowel preparation) is a procedure in which the contents of the large intestines are cleared, using either laxatives or an enema. Bowel cleansing is performed to improve the ease and effectiveness of certain medical procedures, including colonoscopy.

    Bowel Cleansing falls under the Gut Health category.

    Examine Database: Bowel Cleansing

    Examine Database References

    1. Intestinal Motility - De Salvo L, Borgonovo G, Ansaldo GL, Varaldo E, Floris F, Assalino M, Gianiorio FThe bowel cleansing for colonoscopy. A randomized trial comparing three methodsAnn Ital Chir.(2006 Mar-Apr)
    2. Intestinal Motility - Amato A, Radaelli F, Paggi S, Terruzzi VHalf doses of PEG-ES and senna vs. high-dose senna for bowel cleansing before colonoscopy: a randomized, investigator-blinded trialAm J Gastroenterol.(2010 Mar)