Should a healthcare provider be contacted about breast engorgement?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Even though breast engorgement can be managed at home, it may be helpful to meet with a healthcare provider — particularly a lactation consultant — about the issue. A lactation consultant can assess breastfeeding or pumping technique and provide individualized strategies to better manage (and prevent future) engorgement. It is also important to contact a healthcare provider if the engorgement is not getting better despite treatment, if the infant is unable to latch or isn’t making enough wet diapers, if symptoms of mastitis are present (like a fever and body aches), or if there are additional concerns.[1]


    1. ^Gresh A, Robinson K, Thornton CP, Plesko CCaring for Women Experiencing Breast Engorgement: A Case Report.J Midwifery Womens Health.(2019-Nov)