What is celiac disease?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Celiac disease, also called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is an immune disorder that causes damage to the small intestine.[1] Although celiac disease has some symptoms in common with gluten sensitivity and wheat allergies, only celiac disease damages the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In addition to causing a range of GI symptoms, celiac disease can also affect multiple organ systems in the body.[2] Although celiac disease is sometimes considered to be an autoimmune disorder, based on the production of autoantibodies and other features associated with autoimmune disease,[3] it is not clear whether autoimmunity plays a major role in damaging the small intestine.[4]


    1. ^Taylor AK, Lebwohl B, Snyder CL, Green PHRCeliac DiseaseGeneReviews.(2008-07)
    2. ^Laurikka P, Kivelä L, Kurppa K, Kaukinen KReview article: Systemic consequences of coeliac disease.Aliment Pharmacol Ther.(2022-Jul)
    3. ^Lundin KE, Wijmenga CCoeliac disease and autoimmune disease-genetic overlap and screening.Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol.(2015-Sep)
    4. ^Dunne MR, Byrne G, Chirdo FG, Feighery CCoeliac Disease Pathogenesis: The Uncertainties of a Well-Known Immune Mediated Disorder.Front Immunol.(2020)