Are there any other treatments for infantile colic?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Chiropractic medicine and osteopathy have not shown any significant effect on colic in studies at low risk of bias.[1][2][3]

    In general, the higher-quality research on acupuncture indicates that it is not clinically more effective than placebo.[6] Increased infant carrying throughout the day (besides during feeding and in response to crying) does not seem to reduce infant crying.[7] Also, a car ride simulator was not effective for reducing crying.[8] Alternatively, one study found that reduced stimulation of the infant (by not lifting and patting the baby “excessively,” and giving the infant time to fall asleep on its own despite “a certain amount of crying”) may be effective to reduce colic; however, this study suffered from serious methodological flaws, reducing confidence in its findings.[9] Overall, evidence across each of these interventions was rated as low quality.[5] Besides the infant, it is important to assess and treat caregiver depression, anxiety, and/or exhaustion. Otherwise, colic can lead to adversarial or alienated feelings toward the unsoothable infant; it increases the risk of shaken infant syndrome and other forms of abuse, which can be clinical emergencies.[10] Importantly, caregivers should be educated on the self-limiting nature of colic, and taught that the vast majority of the time, colic is neither due to disease nor anything the caregivers have done, or not done, to their infants. Caregivers should be advised to try not to exhaust themselves, and if possible, to regularly leave their infants with others in their support network in order to have breaks.[11][12]


    1. ^Dobson D, Lucassen PL, Miller JJ, Vlieger AM, Prescott P, Lewith GManipulative therapies for infantile colic.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2012-Dec-12)
    2. ^Cabanillas-Barea S, Jiménez-Del-Barrio S, Carrasco-Uribarren A, Ortega-Martínez A, Pérez-Guillén S, Ceballos-Laita LSystematic review and meta-analysis showed that complementary and alternative medicines were not effective for infantile colic.Acta Paediatr.(2023-Jul)
    3. ^Côté P, Hartvigsen J, Axén I, Leboeuf-Yde C, Corso M, Shearer H, Wong J, Marchand AA, Cassidy JD, French S, Kawchuk GN, Mior S, Poulsen E, Srbely J, Ammendolia C, Blanchette MA, Busse JW, Bussières A, Cancelliere C, Christensen HW, De Carvalho D, De Luca K, Du Rose A, Eklund A, Engel R, Goncalves G, Hebert J, Hincapié CA, Hondras M, Kimpton A, Lauridsen HH, Innes S, Meyer AL, Newell D, O'Neill S, Pagé I, Passmore S, Perle SM, Quon J, Rezai M, Stupar M, Swain M, Vitiello A, Weber K, Young KJ, Yu HThe global summit on the efficacy and effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy for the prevention and treatment of non-musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review of the literature.Chiropr Man Therap.(2021-Feb-17)
    4. ^Lucassen PColic in infants.BMJ Clin Evid.(2015-Aug-11)
    5. ^Camilleri M, Park SY, Scarpato E, Staiano AExploring hypotheses and rationale for causes of infantile colic.Neurogastroenterol Motil.(2017-Feb)
    6. ^Perry R, Leach V, Penfold C, Davies PAn overview of systematic reviews of complementary and alternative therapies for infantile colic.Syst Rev.(2019-Nov-11)
    7. ^R G Barr, S J McMullan, H Spiess, D G Leduc, J Yaremko, R Barfield, T E Francoeur, U A HunzikerCarrying as colic "therapy": a randomized controlled trialPediatrics.(1991 May)
    8. ^Parkin PC, Schwartz CJ, Manuel BARandomized controlled trial of three interventions in the management of persistent crying of infancy.Pediatrics.(1993-Aug)
    9. ^McKenzie STroublesome crying in infants: effect of advice to reduce stimulation.Arch Dis Child.(1991-Dec)
    10. ^Benninga MA, Faure C, Hyman PE, St James Roberts I, Schechter NL, Nurko SChildhood Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Neonate/Toddler.Gastroenterology.(2016-Feb-15)
    11. ^Lucassen PL, Assendelft WJ, Gubbels JW, van Eijk JT, van Geldrop WJ, Neven AKEffectiveness of treatments for infantile colic: systematic review.BMJ.(1998-May-23)
    12. ^Savino FFocus on infantile colic.Acta Paediatr.(2007-Sep)