What are the main signs and symptoms of infantile colic?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Crying is the main sign of colic, but flushing of the face, clenched fists, drawing up of the legs, and flatulence can also occur.[1] These signs of colic are more likely to occur in the late afternoon and evening hours of the day.[2]

    There are typically few, if any, quantifiable signs of colic, though fecal calprotectin can occasionally be higher in infants with colic.[3][4][5][6]


    1. ^Savino F, Tarasco VNew treatments for infant colic.Curr Opin Pediatr.(2010-Dec)
    2. ^Savino FFocus on infantile colic.Acta Paediatr.(2007-Sep)
    3. ^Korpela K, Renko M, Paalanne N, Vänni P, Salo J, Tejesvi M, Koivusaari P, Pokka T, Kaukola T, Pirttilä AM, Tapiainen TMicrobiome of the first stool after birth and infantile colic.Pediatr Res.(2020-Nov)
    4. ^Pärtty A, Kalliomäki M, Salminen S, Isolauri EInfantile Colic Is Associated With Low-grade Systemic Inflammation.J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr.(2017-May)
    5. ^Rhoads JM, Fatheree NY, Norori J, Liu Y, Lucke JF, Tyson JE, Ferris MJAltered fecal microflora and increased fecal calprotectin in infants with colic.J Pediatr.(2009-Dec)
    6. ^Rhoads JM, Collins J, Fatheree NY, Hashmi SS, Taylor CM, Luo M, Hoang TK, Gleason WA, Van Arsdall MR, Navarro F, Liu YInfant Colic Represents Gut Inflammation and Dysbiosis.J Pediatr.(2018-Dec)