Have any supplements been studied for constipation?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    A number of different fiber supplements show evidence of benefit for constipation, with psyllium being perhaps the most well-established in this regard.[1]

    Probiotics (taken via capsules or fermented foods) have sometimes been found to improve symptoms of constipation.[2][3] More research is needed to determine which probiotic strains are effective, although Bifidobacterium lactis specifically appears beneficial.

    Senna, an herb sometimes taken in the form of tea, has a well-established laxative effect. Cascara (Frangula purshiana) bark is another herb often taken for its laxative properties; it contains the same active chemicals (anthraquinones) as senna.

    Magnesium — usually in the form of magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate — can also act as a laxative when taken in high enough amounts. However, it is important to speak to your healthcare provider before taking magnesium, as the high doses often used for constipation can lead to a harmful elevation of blood magnesium levels, especially in people with impaired kidney function.[4]


    1. ^van der Schoot A, Drysdale C, Whelan K, Dimidi EThe effect of fiber supplementation on chronic constipation in adults: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Am J Clin Nutr.(2022-Jul-11)
    2. ^Yong Wen, Jun Li, Qing Long, Chao-Chi Yue, Bing He, Xue-Gui TangThe efficacy and safety of probiotics for patients with constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on seventeen randomized controlled trialsInt J Surg.(2020 Jul)
    3. ^Chengcheng Zhang, Jinchi Jiang, Fengwei Tian, Jianxin Zhao, Hao Zhang, Qixiao Zhai, Wei ChenMeta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of the effects of probiotics on functional constipation in adultsClin Nutr.(2020 Oct)
    4. ^Mori H, Suzuki H, Hirai Y, Okuzawa A, Kayashima A, Kubosawa Y, Kinoshita S, Fujimoto A, Nakazato Y, Nishizawa T, Kikuchi MClinical features of hypermagnesemia in patients with functional constipation taking daily magnesium oxide.J Clin Biochem Nutr.(2019-Jul)