Can dandruff be inherited?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    While dandruff may run in families, there isn’t one gene that causes dandruff. However, predisposing factors like one’s individual sensitivity to oleic acid — which is produced when the microbe Malassezia feeds on naturally-occurring skin oils — can be inherited.[1] In addition, some gene mutations that are responsible for skin cell differentiation have been shown to exacerbate skin inflammation and oil production, two factors that contribute to dandruff.[2]


    1. ^Turner GA, Hoptroff M, Harding CRStratum corneum dysfunction in dandruff.Int J Cosmet Sci.(2012-Aug)
    2. ^Luis J Borda, Tongyu C WikramanayakeSeborrheic Dermatitis and Dandruff: A Comprehensive ReviewJ Clin Investig Dermatol.(2015 Dec)