Are there any other treatments for diabetic neuropathy?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Aerobic exercise and sensorimotor training to improve motor control (balance, posture, etc.) can relieve some of the signs and symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.[1] Furthermore, low-frequency electrical stimulation of the spinal cord (also known as neuromodulation therapy) can reduce pain associated with diabetic neuropathies.[2][3] However, more high-quality randomized controlled trials are needed to draw conclusions about the efficacy and safety of neuromodulation therapy.


    1. ^Streckmann F, Balke M, Cavaletti G, Toscanelli A, Bloch W, Décard BF, Lehmann HC, Faude OExercise and Neuropathy: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis.Sports Med.(2022-05)
    2. ^D'Souza RS, Langford B, Dombovy-Johnson M, Abd-Elsayed ANeuromodulation Interventions for the Treatment of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: a Systematic Review.Curr Pain Headache Rep.(2022-May)
    3. ^Duarte RV, Nevitt S, Maden M, Meier K, Taylor RS, Eldabe S, de Vos CCSpinal cord stimulation for the management of painful diabetic neuropathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual patient and aggregate data.Pain.(2021-11-01)