What are the main signs and symptoms of diabetic neuropathy?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Diabetic neuropathies have several non-specific signs and symptoms that are also caused by other conditions. Therefore, diabetic neuropathy can go undiagnosed and untreated. Symptoms include numbness and tingling (paresthesia) in the fingers and toes, pain in the lower legs and feet, foot ulcers, lightheadedness/dizziness when standing up, erectile dysfunction, and gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, bloating, heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation.[1][2] The signs are revealed with diagnostic tests showing poor nerve function (e.g., inability to sense a pinprick), impaired sensations (e.g., inability to distinguish hot from cold), orthostatic hypotension (a drop in blood pressure when standing up), resting tachycardia (high resting heart rate), and delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis).[1][2]


    1. ^, Draznin B, Aroda VR, Bakris G, Benson G, Brown FM, Freeman R, Green J, Huang E, Isaacs D, Kahan S, Leon J, Lyons SK, Peters AL, Prahalad P, Reusch JEB, Young-Hyman D12. Retinopathy, Neuropathy, and Foot Care: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2022.Diabetes Care.(2022-01-01)
    2. ^Pop-Busui R, Boulton AJ, Feldman EL, Bril V, Freeman R, Malik RA, Sosenko JM, Ziegler DDiabetic Neuropathy: A Position Statement by the American Diabetes Association.Diabetes Care.(2017-01)