What causes diabetic neuropathy?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The exact causes are unclear. Current evidence suggests that hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia (persistently high blood glucose and lipids) drive neuronal oxidative stress and chronic low-grade inflammation, leading to nerve damage. [1][2][3]


    1. ^Baum P, Toyka KV, Blüher M, Kosacka J, Nowicki MInflammatory Mechanisms in the Pathophysiology of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DN)-New Aspects.Int J Mol Sci.(2021-Oct-07)
    2. ^Callaghan BC, Cheng HT, Stables CL, Smith AL, Feldman ELDiabetic neuropathy: clinical manifestations and current treatments.Lancet Neurol.(2012-Jun)
    3. ^Vincent AM, Callaghan BC, Smith AL, Feldman ELDiabetic neuropathy: cellular mechanisms as therapeutic targets.Nat Rev Neurol.(2011-Sep-13)