What are some of the main medical treatments for dyslipidemia?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    What are some of the main medical treatments for dyslipidemia? First-line medical treatments for dyslipidemia include lifestyle-based interventions; nutrition, exercise, avoiding tobacco, and weight loss are important first considerations when discussing dyslipidemia treatment.[1]

    Some of the following drugs and therapeutics may be recommended based on a patient's overall risk of cardiovascular disease and individual presentation:[1]

    • Statins are very effective at reducing LDL-C, and have shown a reduction in cardiovascular events (i.e., heart attacks and strokes)[2]
    • PCSK9 inhibitors have also shown these effects, but are more expensive, and have a smaller body of research[3]
    • Ezetimibe may be useful in addition to a statin if further risk reduction is required [4]
    • Fibrates are recommended for moderate and severe elevations of triglycerides (> 400 to 500 mg/dL)[5]
    • Bile acid sequestrants, such as cholestyramine, may effectively lower LDL-C; however, they may raise triglycerides, there is sparse data for cardiovascular event reductions when used in conjunction with statins, and poor adherence has been noted[6]
    • Folic acid may lower triglycerides and total cholesterol, and was found to increase HDL in a dose-response fashion[7]
    • Niacin may cause robust improvements in HDL-C of 21%; however, there is mostly consistent evidence showing a lack of reduction in cardiovascular events or mortality[8][9][10]
    • Bempedoic acid shows promise for further reducing LDL-C when patients are on a maximally tolerated dose of statins, while not worsening muscular adverse events typical of statins[11][12][13][14]


    1. ^Kopin L, Lowenstein CDyslipidemia.Ann Intern Med.(2017-Dec-05)
    2. ^Dujovne CA, Ettinger MP, McNeer JF, Lipka LJ, LeBeaut AP, Suresh R, Yang B, Veltri EP,Efficacy and safety of a potent new selective cholesterol absorption inhibitor, ezetimibe, in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia.Am J Cardiol.(2002-Nov-15)
    3. ^Stein EA, Mellis S, Yancopoulos GD, Stahl N, Logan D, Smith WB, Lisbon E, Gutierrez M, Webb C, Wu R, Du Y, Kranz T, Gasparino E, Swergold GDEffect of a monoclonal antibody to PCSK9 on LDL cholesterol.N Engl J Med.(2012-Mar-22)
    4. ^Cannon CP, Blazing MA, Giugliano RP, McCagg A, White JA, Theroux P, Darius H, Lewis BS, Ophuis TO, Jukema JW, De Ferrari GM, Ruzyllo W, De Lucca P, Im K, Bohula EA, Reist C, Wiviott SD, Tershakovec AM, Musliner TA, Braunwald E, Califf RM,Ezetimibe Added to Statin Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndromes.N Engl J Med.(2015-Jun-18)
    5. ^Preiss D, Tikkanen MJ, Welsh P, Ford I, Lovato LC, Elam MB, LaRosa JC, DeMicco DA, Colhoun HM, Goldenberg I, Murphy MJ, MacDonald TM, Pedersen TR, Keech AC, Ridker PM, Kjekshus J, Sattar N, McMurray JJLipid-modifying therapies and risk of pancreatitis: a meta-analysis.JAMA.(2012-Aug-22)
    6. ^Reiner ZCombined therapy in the treatment of dyslipidemia.Fundam Clin Pharmacol.(2010-Feb)
    7. ^Asbaghi O, Ashtary-Larky D, Bagheri R, Nazarian B, Pourmirzaei Olyaei H, Rezaei Kelishadi M, Nordvall M, Wong A, Dutheil F, Naeini AABeneficial effects of folic acid supplementation on lipid markers in adults: A GRADE-assessed systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of data from 21,787 participants in 34 randomized controlled trials.Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr.(2022)
    8. ^Garg A, Sharma A, Krishnamoorthy P, Garg J, Virmani D, Sharma T, Stefanini G, Kostis JB, Mukherjee D, Sikorskaya ERole of Niacin in Current Clinical Practice: A Systematic Review.Am J Med.(2017-Feb)
    9. ^Schandelmaier S, Briel M, Saccilotto R, Olu KK, Arpagaus A, Hemkens LG, Nordmann AJNiacin for primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular events.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2017-Jun-14)
    10. ^Wilson PWF, Polonsky TS, Miedema MD, Khera A, Kosinski AS, Kuvin JTSystematic Review for the 2018 AHA/ACC/AACVPR/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/ADA/AGS/APhA/ASPC/NLA/PCNA Guideline on the Management of Blood Cholesterol: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines.Circulation.(2019-Jun-18)
    11. ^Whitney KRBempedoic acid: LDL-C lowering without adverse reactions.JAAPA.(2021-Dec-01)
    12. ^Yang JBempedoic acid for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther.(2020-Jul)
    13. ^Banach M, Duell PB, Gotto AM, Laufs U, Leiter LA, Mancini GBJ, Ray KK, Flaim J, Ye Z, Catapano ALAssociation of Bempedoic Acid Administration With Atherogenic Lipid Levels in Phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trials of Patients With Hypercholesterolemia.JAMA Cardiol.(2020-Oct-01)
    14. ^Ray KK, Bays HE, Catapano AL, Lalwani ND, Bloedon LT, Sterling LR, Robinson PL, Ballantyne CM,Safety and Efficacy of Bempedoic Acid to Reduce LDL Cholesterol.N Engl J Med.(2019-Mar-14)