How could diet affect eczema?



    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The use of partially hydrolyzed whey protein infant formula may reduce the risk of eczema later in life.[1] In addition, sufficient levels of vitamin-d, zinc, and selenium are associated with a lower risk of eczema, though besides vitamin D, it's not clear if they are causally linked.[2]


    1. ^Julien Sauser, Sophie Nutten, Nanda de Groot, Sophie Pecquet, Dagmar Simon, Hans-Uwe Simon, Jonathan M Spergel, Sibylle Koletzko, Carine BlanchardPartially Hydrolyzed Whey Infant Formula: Literature Review on Effects on Growth and the Risk of Developing Atopic Dermatitis in Infants from the General PopulationInt Arch Allergy Immunol.(2018)
    2. ^Alexandra R Vaughn, Negar Foolad, Melody Maarouf, Khiem A Tran, Vivian Y ShiMicronutrients in Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic ReviewJ Altern Complement Med.(2019 Jun)