How does the SCORing Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD) index work?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The SCORAD index is an evaluation tool for the severity of atopic dermatitis that combines information on the extent, intensity, and subjective symptoms of the disease. To determine extent, the sites affected by eczema are shaded on a drawing of a body to calculate the affected area (A) as a percentage of the whole body, which has a maximum possible score of 100%. For intensity (B), a representative area is selected and six signs of inflammation (redness, swelling, itching, dryness, skin thickening, and oozing/crusting) are assessed on a three-point scale, giving a maximum score of 18 points. Subjective symptoms (C) include itchiness and sleeplessness, both of which are rated on a 10-point scale and combined for a maximum score of 20 points. The SCORAD for an individual is calculated as A/5 + 7B/2 + C, and therefore a maximum score is 103 points.
