Have any supplements been studied for endometriosis?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Several vitamins and supplements have been studied, including vitamin D,[1] melatonin,[2] and vitamins E and C. Vitamin E, with or without vitamin C, seems to improve pain symptoms. Vitamin D also improves pain symptoms to a lesser extent. Both effects are small, but given their good safety profiles, these supplements are worth considering in conjunction with other medical interventions.[3] Melatonin has limited evidence to support its use, but it might improve pain symptoms, sleep quality, and mood symptoms in people with endometriosis.[4]


    1. ^Pierluigi Giampaolino, Luigi Della Corte, Virginia Foreste, Giuseppe BifulcoIs there a Relationship Between Vitamin D and Endometriosis? An Overview of the LiteratureCurr Pharm Des.(2019)
    2. ^André Schwertner, Claudia C Conceição Dos Santos, Gislene Dalferth Costa, Alícia Deitos, Andressa de Souza, Izabel Cristina Custodio de Souza, Iraci L S Torres, João Sabino L da Cunha Filho, Wolnei CaumoEfficacy of melatonin in the treatment of endometriosis: a phase II, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trialPain.(2013 Jun)
    3. ^Nalini Santanam, Nino Kavtaradze, Ana Murphy, Celia Dominguez, Sampath ParthasarathyAntioxidant supplementation reduces endometriosis-related pelvic pain in humansTransl Res.(2013 Mar)
    4. ^Söderman L, Böttiger Y, Edlund M, Järnbert-Pettersson H, Marions LAdjuvant use of melatonin for pain management in endometriosis-associated pelvic pain-A randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.PLoS One.(2023)