How could diet affect endometriosis?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Multiple studies have investigated the relationship between diet and endometriosis. There is weak evidence that a healthy diet, with reduced alcohol intake and increased physical activity, is associated with a lower risk of getting endometriosis.[1] A diet high in fruit, particularly citrus fruit, might lower the risk for endometriosis.[2]


    1. ^members of the Endometriosis Guideline Core Group, Christian M Becker, Attila Bokor, Oskari Heikinheimo, Andrew Horne, Femke Jansen, Ludwig Kiesel, Kathleen King, Marina Kvaskoff, Annemiek Nap, Katrine Petersen, Ertan Saridogan, Carla Tomassetti, Nehalennia van Hanegem, Nicolas Vulliemoz, Nathalie Vermeulen, ESHRE Endometriosis Guideline GroupESHRE guideline: endometriosisHum Reprod Open.(2022 Feb 26)
    2. ^Harris HR, Eke AC, Chavarro JE, Missmer SAFruit and vegetable consumption and risk of endometriosis.Hum Reprod.(2018-Apr-01)