What are the main signs and symptoms of epilepsy?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The main symptoms of epilepsy are seizures, which vary considerably in severity, duration, and physical presentation.

    For example, before the onset of a focal seizure, people may experience a phenomenon known as an aura, with feelings of déjà vu and hallucinations. Other common symptoms of a focal seizure include one-sided, uncontrollable bodily movements (e.g. twitching and jerking), loss of consciousness, and confusion.

    Generalized seizure symptoms can vary greatly: from brief lapses in consciousness only, to loss of consciousness in addition to stiffening of muscles and uncontrollable muscle contractions on both sides of the body.

    Additionally, people with epilepsy often suffer from comorbid conditions including depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, migraines, and cognitive dysfunction.[1][2]


    1. ^Devinsky O, Vezzani A, O'Brien TJ, Jette N, Scheffer IE, de Curtis M, Perucca PEpilepsy.Nat Rev Dis Primers.(2018-May-03)
    2. ^Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on the Public Health Dimensions of the EpilepsiesrEpilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding