What causes epilepsy?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The cause of epilepsy in a majority of people is unknown. Numerous things — such as brain injuries, tumors, as well as strokes — can cause epilepsy and/or seizures. So if someone is experiencing a seizure, they may not have epilepsy.[1][2] Mechanistically, seizures are usually caused by excessively synchronized neuronal discharges occurring in diffuse or focused areas of the brain.[3] Seizures may occur without any identifiable cause (known as unprovoked seizures) or may occur after a stimulus like flashing lights (known as reflex seizures).


    1. ^Devinsky O, Vezzani A, O'Brien TJ, Jette N, Scheffer IE, de Curtis M, Perucca PEpilepsy.Nat Rev Dis Primers.(2018-May-03)
    2. ^Epilepsy: World Health Organization; cited 2023 Feb.15(2023 Feb. 9)
    3. ^Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on the Public Health Dimensions of the EpilepsiesrEpilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding