Are there any other treatments for erectile dysfunction?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Weight loss, whether achieved through diet and/or physical activity[1][2][3] or through bariatric surgery,[4] improves ED in men with overweight or obesity.

    Physical inactivity increases the risk for ED,[5][6] while exercise — particularly moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise — improves erectile function in men with ED and comorbidities including obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.[7][8] In fact, a 2019 review indicated that among all ED treatments, physical activity interventions caused the largest improvement in ED,  with effectiveness similar to pharmacological therapy.[9]

    Other emerging yet experimental ED treatments include gene therapy, stem cell therapy,[10][11] Li-ESWT,[12][13][12] platelet-rich plasma (PRP), low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS), hyperbaric oxygen therapy, penile vibratory stimulation,[14][15] and pelvic floor muscle training.[16].


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    10. ^Liu MC, Chang ML, Wang YC, Chen WH, Wu CC, Yeh SDRevisiting the Regenerative Therapeutic Advances Towards Erectile Dysfunction.Cells.(2020-May-19)
    11. ^Matz EL, Terlecki R, Zhang Y, Jackson J, Atala AStem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction.Sex Med Rev.(2019-Apr)
    12. ^Campbell JD, Trock BJ, Oppenheim AR, Anusionwu I, Gor RA, Burnett ALMeta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that assess the efficacy of low-intensity shockwave therapy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.Ther Adv Urol.(2019)
    13. ^Dong L, Chang D, Zhang X, Li J, Yang F, Tan K, Yang Y, Yong S, Yu XEffect of Low-Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave on the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Am J Mens Health.(2019)
    14. ^Muncey W, Sellke N, Kim T, Mishra K, Thirumavalavan N, Loeb AAlternative Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction: a Growing Arsenal in Men's Health.Curr Urol Rep.(2021-Jan-09)
    15. ^Patel DP, Pastuszak AW, Hotaling JMEmerging Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction: a Review of Novel, Non-surgical Options.Curr Urol Rep.(2019-Jun-18)
    16. ^Myers C, Smith MPelvic floor muscle training improves erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation: a systematic review.Physiotherapy.(2019-Jun)