Can you boost the flu shot with prebiotics and probiotics?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    One possible way to boost the immune response to the flu shot is by supplementing with probiotics or prebiotics. There’s evidence to suggest[1] that both can positively influence the immune response. It also seems that the way both prebiotics[2][3] and probiotics[4] influence the immune system could improve the immune response to vaccination. This implies that supplementation could help make flu shots stick. This hypothesis has been examined in multiple clinical trials. However, some of these trials have come up[5] positive[6], while others have found no evidence[7][8] of an effect.


    1. ^Frei R, Akdis M, O'Mahony LPrebiotics, probiotics, synbiotics, and the immune system: experimental data and clinical evidenceCurr Opin Gastroenterol.(2015 Mar)
    2. ^Vos AP, Haarman M, van Ginkel JW, Knol J, Garssen J, Stahl B, Boehm G, M'Rabet LDietary supplementation of neutral and acidic oligosaccharides enhances Th1-dependent vaccination responses in micePediatr Allergy Immunol.(2007 Jun)
    3. ^Vos AP, Knol J, Stahl B, M'rabet L, Garssen JSpecific prebiotic oligosaccharides modulate the early phase of a murine vaccination responseInt Immunopharmacol.(2010 May)
    4. ^Maidens C, Childs C, Przemska A, Dayel IB, Yaqoob PModulation of vaccine response by concomitant probiotic administrationBr J Clin Pharmacol.(2013 Mar)
    5. ^Lomax AR, Cheung LV, Noakes PS, Miles EA, Calder PCInulin-Type β2-1 Fructans have Some Effect on the Antibody Response to Seasonal Influenza Vaccination in Healthy Middle-Aged HumansFront Immunol.(2015 Sep 22)
    6. ^Boge T, Rémigy M, Vaudaine S, Tanguy J, Bourdet-Sicard R, van der Werf SA probiotic fermented dairy drink improves antibody response to influenza vaccination in the elderly in two randomised controlled trialsVaccine.(2009 Sep 18)
    7. ^Van Puyenbroeck K, Hens N, Coenen S, Michiels B, Beunckens C, Molenberghs G, Van Royen P, Verhoeven VEfficacy of daily intake of Lactobacillus casei Shirota on respiratory symptoms and influenza vaccination immune response: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in healthy elderly nursing home residentsAm J Clin Nutr.(2012 May)
    8. ^Bunout D, Hirsch S, Pía de la Maza M, Muñoz C, Haschke F, Steenhout P, Klassen P, Barrera G, Gattas V, Petermann MEffects of prebiotics on the immune response to vaccination in the elderlyJPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.(2002 Nov-Dec)