Have any supplements been studied for Graves’ disease?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Selenium is a cofactor for enzymes in the body that function to neutralize reactive oxygen species,[1] and low vitamin D levels are associated with increased inflammation.[2] Because observational studies have noted low selenium and vitamin D levels in people with a new diagnosis of Graves’ disease,[3] one randomized controlled trial tested the effects of selenium and vitamin D supplementation in participants with Graves’ disease who had low levels of these nutrients. The trial found that selenium and vitamin D supplementation in combination with standard drug therapy was better than the drug therapy alone for treating hyperthyroid symptoms in participants.[4]

    Additional supplements that have been studied for use in Graves’ disease include antioxidants,[5] omega-3 fatty acids,[6] and probiotics.[7]


    1. ^Zoidis E, Seremelis I, Kontopoulos N, Danezis GPSelenium-Dependent Antioxidant Enzymes: Actions and Properties of Selenoproteins.Antioxidants (Basel).(2018-May-14)
    2. ^Cannell JJ, Grant WB, Holick MFVitamin D and inflammation.Dermatoendocrinol.(2014)
    3. ^Bülow Pedersen I, Knudsen N, Carlé A, Schomburg L, Köhrle J, Jørgensen T, Rasmussen LB, Ovesen L, Laurberg PSerum selenium is low in newly diagnosed Graves' disease: a population-based study.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).(2013-Oct)
    4. ^Gallo D, Mortara L, Veronesi G, Cattaneo SA, Genoni A, Gallazzi M, Peruzzo C, Lasalvia P, Moretto P, Bruno A, Passi A, Pini A, Nauti A, Lavizzari MA, Marinò M, Lanzolla G, Tanda ML, Bartalena L, Piantanida EAdd-On Effect of Selenium and Vitamin D Combined Supplementation in Early Control of Graves' Disease Hyperthyroidism During Methimazole Treatment.Front Endocrinol (Lausanne).(2022)
    5. ^Vrca VB, Skreb F, Cepelak I, Romic Z, Mayer LSupplementation with antioxidants in the treatment of Graves' disease; the effect on glutathione peroxidase activity and concentration of selenium.Clin Chim Acta.(2004-Mar)
    6. ^Breese McCoy SJCoincidence of remission of postpartum Graves' disease and use of omega-3 fatty acid supplements.Thyroid Res.(2011-Nov-16)
    7. ^Huo D, Cen C, Chang H, Ou Q, Jiang S, Pan Y, Chen K, Zhang JProbiotic Bifidobacterium longum supplied with methimazole improved the thyroid function of Graves' disease patients through the gut-thyroid axis.Commun Biol.(2021-Sep-07)