How does physical activity affect healthy muscle aging?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Staying physically active is pivotal to healthy muscle aging. Lifelong performance of regular exercise is associated with an improved preservation of muscle mass and strength,[1][2] and physical inactivity is associated with an increased risk of sarcopenia.[3]

    The type of exercise performed is also profoundly important. High-quality evidence indicates that resistance exercise is the most potent intervention for improving muscle mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in older adults.[4][5][6] Even in older adults who perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous aerobic exercise per week, a lower risk of sarcopenia, more muscle mass, and better physical performance was found in those who performed resistance exercise twice per week.[7]


    1. ^Zampieri S, Pietrangelo L, Loefler S, Fruhmann H, Vogelauer M, Burggraf S, Pond A, Grim-Stieger M, Cvecka J, Sedliak M, Tirpáková V, Mayr W, Sarabon N, Rossini K, Barberi L, De Rossi M, Romanello V, Boncompagni S, Musarò A, Sandri M, Protasi F, Carraro U, Kern HLifelong physical exercise delays age-associated skeletal muscle decline.J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci.(2015-Feb)
    2. ^Wroblewski AP, Amati F, Smiley MA, Goodpaster B, Wright VChronic exercise preserves lean muscle mass in masters athletes.Phys Sportsmed.(2011-Sep)
    3. ^Smith L, Tully M, Jacob L, Blackburn N, Adlakha D, Caserotti P, Soysal P, Veronese N, Sánchez GFL, Vancampfort D, Koyanagi AThe Association Between Sedentary Behavior and Sarcopenia Among Adults Aged ≥65 Years in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.Int J Environ Res Public Health.(2020-Mar-05)
    4. ^D Beckwée, A Delaere, S Aelbrecht, V Baert, C Beaudart, O Bruyere, M de Saint-Hubert, I BautmansExercise Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Sarcopenia. A Systematic Umbrella ReviewJ Nutr Health Aging.(2019)
    5. ^Hortobágyi T, Vetrovsky T, Brach JS, van Haren M, Volesky K, Radaelli R, Lopez P, Granacher UEffects of Exercise Training on Muscle Quality in Older Individuals: A Systematic Scoping Review with Meta-Analyses.Sports Med Open.(2023-Jun-06)
    6. ^James McKendry, Brad S Currier, Changhyun Lim, Jonathan C Mcleod, Aaron C Q Thomas, Stuart M PhillipsNutritional Supplements to Support Resistance Exercise in Countering the Sarcopenia of AgingNutrients.(2020 Jul 10)
    7. ^Veen J, Montiel-Rojas D, Nilsson A, Kadi FEngagement in Muscle-Strengthening Activities Lowers Sarcopenia Risk in Older Adults Already Adhering to the Aerobic Physical Activity Guidelines.Int J Environ Res Public Health.(2021-Jan-22)