Are hEDS and HSD the same condition?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    No. Although the two conditions often require similar care, there are important differences in the diagnostic criteria.[1] Whereas the HSD diagnosis is intended for patients with symptomatic hypermobility, the hEDS criteria is more specific. Physical features such as hyperextensible skin, an arm span-to-height ratio of ≥1.05, and atrophic scarring are considered, as well as family history of hEDS. These unique features facilitate research into the genetic basis of hEDS.[2]


    1. ^What is HSD?
    2. ^Malfait F, Francomano C, Byers P, Belmont J, Berglund B, Black J, Bloom L, Bowen JM, Brady AF, Burrows NP, Castori M, Cohen H, Colombi M, Demirdas S, De Backer J, De Paepe A, Fournel-Gigleux S, Frank M, Ghali N, Giunta C, Grahame R, Hakim A, Jeunemaitre X, Johnson D, Juul-Kristensen B, Kapferer-Seebacher I, Kazkaz H, Kosho T, Lavallee ME, Levy H, Mendoza-Londono R, Pepin M, Pope FM, Reinstein E, Robert L, Rohrbach M, Sanders L, Sobey GJ, Van Damme T, Vandersteen A, van Mourik C, Voermans N, Wheeldon N, Zschocke J, Tinkle BThe 2017 international classification of the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes.Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet.(2017-03)