Are there any other treatments for hyperprolactinemia?

    Last Updated: April 4, 2024

    Extracts of the plant known as chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) have been studied as a possible remedy for hyperprolactinemia. This extract seems to improve premenstrual mastodynia (breast pain) and reduces prolactin levels during the premenstrual phase.[1] A small study done in 2020 found that Vitex agnus-castus was as effective as bromocriptine for reducing prolactin levels.[2] The use of chaste tree as a treatment for mild hyperprolactinemia has been supported by a 2023 review,[3] but more controlled studies are needed to verify these findings.

    Mucuna pruriens is another herbal remedy that is sometimes recommended for treating hyperprolactinemia and infertility in men. It has been shown to decrease prolactin levels while also increasing testosterone levels. The prolactin-lowering property is likely because of the increase of dopamine and L-dopa, both of which work to inhibit prolactin release from the pituitary gland.[4][5][6]


    1. ^Wuttke W, Jarry H, Christoffel V, Spengler B, Seidlová-Wuttke DChaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus)--pharmacology and clinical indications.Phytomedicine.(2003 May)
    2. ^Comparison of Efficacy of Vitex Agnus Castus Ovitex and Bromocriptine in The Management of HyperprolactinemiaJSOGP.(2020-01)
    3. ^Puglia LT, Lowry J, Tamagno GVitex agnus castus effects on hyperprolactinaemia.Front Endocrinol (Lausanne).(2023)
    4. ^Shukla KK, Mahdi AA, Ahmad MK, Shankhwar SN, Rajender S, Jaiswar SPMucuna pruriens improves male fertility by its action on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axisFertil Steril.(2009 Dec)
    5. ^The traditional uses and pharmacological activities of *Mucuna pruriens* (L)DC: a comprehensive reviewIndo Am J Pharm Res.(2017-01)
    6. ^Pathania R, Chawla P, Khan H, Kaushik R, Khan MAAn assessment of potential nutritive and medicinal properties of : a natural food legume.3 Biotech.(2020-Jun)