What are some of the main medical treatments for infertility?




    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Medical treatment for “unexplained” infertility can include induction of ovulation with medications, intrauterine insemination (IUI), or the two treatments together. IUI involves removing chemicals from semen that may slow the movement of the sperm and physically placing the sperm into the uterus with a catheter. Other infertility treatments include injectable ovulation hormones, in vitro fertilization (sperm and egg fertilization is done in a test tube and then delivered into the uterus for implantation), surgery to fix anatomical blockages and irregularities, and other methods. Treatments for individuals are usually specific to the factors causing infertility and vary from person to person.[1]


    1. ^Tammy J Lindsay, Kristen R VitrikasEvaluation and treatment of infertilityAm Fam Physician.(2015 Mar 1)