Have any supplements been studied for insomnia?




    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Supplements studied for insomnia include melatonin, valerian root, kava-kava, chamomile, lavender, and many others. These supplements have sedating effects and can increase relaxation and induce sleep in some people with short-term insomnia.[1] There is much less research on supplements for chronic insomnia.[2]


    1. ^Momin RR, Ketvertis KShort Term InsomniaStatPearls.(2022-07)
    2. ^Michael J Sateia, Daniel J Buysse, Andrew D Krystal, David N Neubauer, Jonathan L HealdClinical Practice Guideline for the Pharmacologic Treatment of Chronic Insomnia in Adults: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice GuidelineJ Clin Sleep Med.(2017 Feb 15)