What are the main signs and symptoms of intestinal candidiasis?




    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    IC does not appear to have perceptible symptoms.[1]

    Controversial publications from the 1970s and ’80s claimed that intestinal Candida overgrowth lead to a long list of ailments, including fatigue, GI discomfort, recurring yeast infections, arthritis, acne, migraine headache, and heart issues, although most of these claims have been debunked.[1]

    IC may lead to diarrhea associated with antibiotics and irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D), but more research is needed.


    1. ^Michael Lacour, Thomas Zunder, Roman Huber, Anna Sander, Franz Daschner, Uwe FrankThe pathogenetic significance of intestinal Candida colonization--a systematic review from an interdisciplinary and environmental medical point of viewInt J Hyg Environ Health.(2002 May)