How does physical activity affect lactation?

    Last Updated: November 28, 2023

    Moderate levels of exercise do not appear to affect milk production or impair infant growth.[1][2][3] However, intense or exhaustive exercise may temporarily alter milk composition (e.g., increased lactic acid and decreased secretory IgA concentrations), but milk composition usually returns to baseline within one hour postexercise. Moreover, infants can safely drink milk produced immediately postexercise despite the change in composition.[4]


    1. ^Daley AJ, Thomas A, Cooper H, Fitzpatrick H, McDonald C, Moore H, Rooney R, Deeks JJMaternal exercise and growth in breastfed infants: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Pediatrics.(2012-Jul)
    2. ^Be'er M, Mandel D, Yelak A, Gal DL, Mangel L, Lubetzky RThe Effect of Physical Activity on Human Milk Macronutrient Content and Its Volume.Breastfeed Med.(2020-Jun)
    3. ^McCrory MA, Nommsen-Rivers LA, Molé PA, Lönnerdal B, Dewey KGRandomized trial of the short-term effects of dieting compared with dieting plus aerobic exercise on lactation performance.Am J Clin Nutr.(1999-May)
    4. ^Lee S, Kelleher SLBiological underpinnings of breastfeeding challenges: the role of genetics, diet, and environment on lactation physiology.Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab.(2016-Aug-01)