What are muscle size and strength?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    “Muscle size” refers to the goal of muscle mass gain (or hypertrophy), which occurs primarily as a result of an increase in the size and/or number of myofibrils (i.e., bundles of protein filaments within muscle fibers that produce muscle contraction).[1] “Muscle strength” refers to the ability to produce force against an external resistance.[2]


    1. ^Haun CT, Vann CG, Roberts BM, Vigotsky AD, Schoenfeld BJ, Roberts MDA Critical Evaluation of the Biological Construct Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: Size Matters but So Does the Measurement.Front Physiol.(2019)
    2. ^Suchomel TJ, Nimphius S, Bellon CR, Stone MHThe Importance of Muscular Strength: Training Considerations.Sports Med.(2018-Apr)