What type of exercise is best for promoting muscle size and strength?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Resistance exercise is the most effective means for increasing muscle size and strength. For muscle gain, a wide spectrum of loading ranges (approximately 40%–85% of 1-repetition maximum) are similarly effective,[1] whereas for strength, heavy loads (≥ 80% of 1-repetition maximum) are superior to lighter loads.[2][3]

    About 10–20 sets should be performed per week for muscle gain,[4] whereas muscle strength is effectively built with lower training volumes of about 5–9 sets per week.[5][6]

    For both muscle size and strength, a rest interval of at least 3 minutes between sets is best for most exercises.[7] A shorter rest interval of about 60–90 seconds may be employed for single-joint and certain machine-based exercises during muscle gain-oriented workouts.[8]


    1. ^Schoenfeld BJ, Grgic J, Van Every DW, Plotkin DLLoading Recommendations for Muscle Strength, Hypertrophy, and Local Endurance: A Re-Examination of the Repetition Continuum.Sports (Basel).(2021-Feb-22)
    2. ^Carvalho L, Junior RM, Barreira J, Schoenfeld BJ, Orazem J, Barroso RMuscle hypertrophy and strength gains after resistance training with different volume-matched loads: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.(2022-Apr)
    3. ^Pedro Lopez, Regis Radaelli, Dennis R Taaffe, Robert U Newton, Daniel A Galvão, Gabriel S Trajano, Juliana Teodoro, William J Kraemer, Keijo Häkkinen, Ronei S PintoResistance Training Load Effects on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain: Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysisMed Sci Sports Exerc.(2020 Dec 26)
    4. ^Eneko Baz-Valle, Carlos Balsalobre-Fernández, Carlos Alix-Fages, Jordan Santos-ConcejeroA Systematic Review of The Effects of Different Resistance Training Volumes on Muscle HypertrophyJ Hum Kinet.(2022 Feb 10)
    5. ^Grant W Ralston, Lon Kilgore, Frank B Wyatt, Julien S BakerThe Effect of Weekly Set Volume on Strength Gain: A Meta-AnalysisSports Med.(2017 Dec)
    6. ^Androulakis-Korakakis P, Michalopoulos N, Fisher JP, Keogh J, Loenneke JP, Helms E, Wolf M, Nuckols G, Steele JThe Minimum Effective Training Dose Required for 1RM Strength in Powerlifters.Front Sports Act Living.(2021)
    7. ^DE Camargo JBB, Brigatto FA, Zaroni RS, Trindade TB, Germano MD, Junior ACT, DE Oliveira TP, Marchetti PH, Prestes J, Lopes CRManipulating Resistance Training Variables to Induce Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy: A Brief Narrative Review.Int J Exerc Sci.(2022)
    8. ^Schoenfeld et alResistance Training Recommendations to Maximize Muscle Hypertrophy in an Athletic Population: Position Stand of the IUSCAInternational Journal of Strength and Conditioning.(2021-08)