How can nail fungus be prevented from reoccurring after treatment?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    After being treated with antifungal drugs, preventative measures should be taken to prevent reoccurrence. These measures include topical antifungal treatments and removing any other potential sources of infection.

    Although the nail may appear healthy, the fungus may not be fully eradicated. For that reason, antifungal creams are recommended to be applied to the affected nail to prevent further fungal growth.[1]

    It is also recommended to either throw away or disinfect footwear and socks. Be sure to wash socks in hot water. Proper disinfection is important, as cold water washes have been shown to be ineffective in eradicating the fungus that causes nail fungus.[2] To disinfect shoes, treatments include terbinafine spray, ozone gas, or ultraviolet light.[3][4][5]

    Other preventative actions include keeping nails cold and dry, avoiding walking barefoot in public places, keeping nails short, treating other family members with nail fungus, and meticulous nail hygiene.[6]


    1. ^Gupta AK, Elewski BE, Rosen T, Caldwell B, Pariser DM, Kircik LH, Bhatia N, Tosti AOnychomycosis: Strategies to Minimize Recurrence.J Drugs Dermatol.(2016-Mar)
    2. ^Hammer TR, Mucha H, Hoefer DInfection risk by dermatophytes during storage and after domestic laundry and their temperature-dependent inactivation.Mycopathologia.(2011-Jan)
    3. ^Feuilhade de Chauvin MA study on the decontamination of insoles colonized by Trichophyton rubrum: effect of terbinafine spray powder 1% and terbinafine spray solution 1%.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.(2012-Jul)
    4. ^Gupta AK, Brintnell WCSanitization of contaminated footwear from onychomycosis patients using ozone gas: a novel adjunct therapy for treating onychomycosis and tinea pedis?J Cutan Med Surg.(2013)
    5. ^Ghannoum MA, Isham N, Long LOptimization of an infected shoe model for the evaluation of an ultraviolet shoe sanitizer device.J Am Podiatr Med Assoc.(2012)
    6. ^Gupta AK, Stec N, Summerbell RC, Shear NH, Piguet V, Tosti A, Piraccini BMOnychomycosis: a review.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.(2020-Sep)