How could carbohydrate type affect NAFLD?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Relative to other carbohydrate sources, beverages rich in simple sugars (i.e., glucose, fructose, sucrose) can significantly increase liver fat,[1][2] potentially even without changes in body weight.[3][4] Moreover, restricting simple sugar intake effectively decreases liver fat.[5][6] It’s currently unclear whether restricting simple sugar intake reduces liver fat independent of changes in body weight, but there is some evidence to suggest that it might.[7][8]

    Glycemic index is another factor that may influence the effect of carbohydrates on liver fat,[9] but there is very little research on this topic. In an exploratory 7-day randomized crossover trial, a eucaloric high-glycemic index diet increased liver fat compared to a eucaloric low-glycemic index diet in healthy young men.[10]


    1. ^Maria Maersk, Anita Belza, Hans Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Steffen Ringgaard, Elizaveta Chabanova, Henrik Thomsen, Steen B Pedersen, Arne Astrup, Bjørn RichelsenSucrose-sweetened beverages increase fat storage in the liver, muscle, and visceral fat depot: a 6-mo randomized intervention studyAm J Clin Nutr.(2012 Feb)
    2. ^Desiree M Sigala, Bettina Hieronimus, Valentina Medici, Vivien Lee, Marinelle V Nunez, Andrew A Bremer, Chad L Cox, Candice A Price, Yanet Benyam, Abhijit J Chaudhari, Yasser Abdelhafez, John P McGahan, Michael Goran, Claude B Sirlin, Giovanni Pacini, Andrea Tura, Nancy L Keim, Peter J Havel, Kimber L StanhopeConsuming Sucrose- or HFCS-Sweetened Beverages Increases Hepatic Lipid and Decreases Insulin Sensitivity in AdultsJ Clin Endocrinol Metab.(2021 Jul 15)
    3. ^Jean-Marc Schwarz, Susan M Noworolski, Michael J Wen, Artem Dyachenko, Jessica L Prior, Melissa E Weinberg, Laurie A Herraiz, Viva W Tai, Nathalie Bergeron, Thomas P Bersot, Madhu N Rao, Morris Schambelan, Kathleen MulliganEffect of a High-Fructose Weight-Maintaining Diet on Lipogenesis and Liver FatJ Clin Endocrinol Metab.(2015 Jun)
    4. ^Lecoultre V, Egli L, Carrel G, Theytaz F, Kreis R, Schneiter P, Boss A, Zwygart K, Lê KA, Bortolotti M, Boesch C, Tappy LEffects of fructose and glucose overfeeding on hepatic insulin sensitivity and intrahepatic lipids in healthy humans.Obesity (Silver Spring).(2013-Apr)
    5. ^Catherine C Cohen, Kelvin W Li, Adina L Alazraki, Carine Beysen, Carissa A Carrier, Rebecca L Cleeton, Mohamad Dandan, Janet Figueroa, Jack Knight-Scott, Cynthia J Knott, Kimberly P Newton, Edna M Nyangau, Claude B Sirlin, Patricia A Ugalde-Nicalo, Jean A Welsh, Marc K Hellerstein, Jeffrey B Schwimmer, Miriam B VosDietary sugar restriction reduces hepatic de novo lipogenesis in adolescent boys with fatty liver diseaseJ Clin Invest.(2021 Dec 15)
    6. ^Ibarra-Reynoso LDR, López-Lemus HL, Garay-Sevilla ME, Malacara JMEffect of Restriction of Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup Content on Metabolic Indices and Fatty Liver in Obese Children.Obes Facts.(2017)
    7. ^Jean-Marc Schwarz, Susan M Noworolski, Ayca Erkin-Cakmak, Natalie J Korn, Michael J Wen, Viva W Tai, Grace M Jones, Sergiu P Palii, Moises Velasco-Alin, Karen Pan, Bruce W Patterson, Alejandro Gugliucci, Robert H Lustig, Kathleen MulliganEffects of Dietary Fructose Restriction on Liver Fat, De Novo Lipogenesis, and Insulin Kinetics in Children With ObesityGastroenterology.(2017 Sep)
    8. ^Nynke Simons, Pandichelvam Veeraiah, Pomme I H G Simons, Nicolaas C Schaper, M Eline Kooi, Vera B Schrauwen-Hinderling, Edith J M Feskens, E M C Liesbeth van der Ploeg, Mathias D G Van den Eynde, Casper G Schalkwijk, Coen D A Stehouwer, Martijn C G J BrouwersEffects of fructose restriction on liver steatosis (FRUITLESS); a double-blind randomized controlled trialAm J Clin Nutr.(2020 Dec 31)
    9. ^Karoline Sandby, Nina Rica Wium Geiker, Maria Dalamaga, Henning Grønbæk, Faidon MagkosEfficacy of Dietary Manipulations for Depleting Intrahepatic Triglyceride Content: Implications for the Management of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver DiseaseCurr Obes Rep.(2021 Jun)
    10. ^Bawden S, Stephenson M, Falcone Y, Lingaya M, Ciampi E, Hunter K, Bligh F, Schirra J, Taylor M, Morris P, Macdonald I, Gowland P, Marciani L, Aithal GPIncreased liver fat and glycogen stores after consumption of high versus low glycaemic index food: A randomized crossover study.Diabetes Obes Metab.(2017-01)