How could diet affect NAFLD?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Lifestyle modification with the aim of inducing weight loss is the cornerstone of NAFLD treatment. A weight loss of at least 5% of initial body weight is effective for reducing liver fat, and a weight loss of 7–10% can improve features of NASH.[1] In this respect, the macronutrient composition of the diet is much less important than the energy content; an array of dietary patterns can be effective as long as they facilitate sustained weight loss.


    1. ^Naga Chalasani, Zobair Younossi, Joel E Lavine, Michael Charlton, Kenneth Cusi, Mary Rinella, Stephen A Harrison, Elizabeth M Brunt, Arun J SanyalThe diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver DiseasesHepatology.(2018 Jan)