What are some of the main medical treatments for osteopenia?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Bone fractures can cause pain, reduce mobility, and create challenges in performing activities of daily living. Fractures of the hip or spine can even increase the risk of death. Therefore, the focus of osteopenia treatment is to prevent fractures and slow or stop the progression to osteoporosis.[1] Lifestyle modifications are the mainstay of treatment in osteopenia,[2] These include:

    • Regular exercise, including weight-bearing exercises
    • Adequate intake of calcium from the diet and/or supplementation
    • Prevention of vitamin D deficiency through supplementation and/or sun exposure
    • Avoidance of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
    • Addressing underlying health conditions that may contribute to reduced BMD
    • Practicing fall prevention strategies (e.g., securing loose carpets; using adequate lighting; wearing properly fitting shoes and clothing)


    1. ^Matteo Ponzano, Isabel B Rodrigues, Zeinab Hosseini, Maureen C Ashe, Debra A Butt, Philip D Chilibeck, Jackie Stapleton, Lehana Thabane, John D Wark, Lora GiangregorioProgressive Resistance Training for Improving Health-Related Outcomes in People at Risk of Fracture: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled TrialsPhys Ther.(2020 Dec 26)
    2. ^Varacallo M, Seaman TJ, Jandu JS, Pizzutillo POsteopeniaStatPearls.(2022-10)