How is Parkinson’s disease diagnosed?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Parkinson’s disease is diagnosed primarily by symptoms, medical history, and a physical exam.[1] Family medical history will also be reviewed, since a first-degree relative with Parkinson's disease increases the chance of diagnosis.[2] There are currently no available tests for Parkinson’s disease. However, biomarkers that may be able to diagnose the disease before symptoms appear could be on the horizon.[3] To be diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, an individual needs to have parkinsonism, which is defined as bradykinesia (slowness of movement) along with muscle rigidity, tremors at rest, or both.[4] In cases where diagnosis of Parkinson’s isn’t conclusive based on a physical exam, an imaging technique may be used to identify neuronal changes in the brain that are specific for Parkinson’s disease.[5]


    1. ^Armstrong MJ, Okun MSDiagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson Disease: A Review.JAMA.(2020-Feb-11)
    2. ^Berg D, Postuma RB, Adler CH, Bloem BR, Chan P, Dubois B, Gasser T, Goetz CG, Halliday G, Joseph L, Lang AE, Liepelt-Scarfone I, Litvan I, Marek K, Obeso J, Oertel W, Olanow CW, Poewe W, Stern M, Deuschl GMDS research criteria for prodromal Parkinson's disease.Mov Disord.(2015-Oct)
    3. ^Mallet D, Dufourd T, Decourt M, Carcenac C, Bossù P, Verlin L, Fernagut PO, Benoit-Marand M, Spalletta G, Barbier EL, Carnicella S, Sgambato V, Fauvelle F, Boulet SA metabolic biomarker predicts Parkinson's disease at the early stages in patients and animal models.J Clin Invest.(2022-Feb-15)
    4. ^Postuma RB, Berg D, Stern M, Poewe W, Olanow CW, Oertel W, Obeso J, Marek K, Litvan I, Lang AE, Halliday G, Goetz CG, Gasser T, Dubois B, Chan P, Bloem BR, Adler CH, Deuschl GMDS clinical diagnostic criteria for Parkinson's disease.Mov Disord.(2015-Oct)
    5. ^Suwijn SR, van Boheemen CJ, de Haan RJ, Tissingh G, Booij J, de Bie RMThe diagnostic accuracy of dopamine transporter SPECT imaging to detect nigrostriatal cell loss in patients with Parkinson's disease or clinically uncertain parkinsonism: a systematic review.EJNMMI Res.(2015)