Are there any other treatments for pneumonia?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Some research suggests that increased physical activity[1] and sauna bathing[2][3] are associated with a decreased risk of developing pneumonia. Another common treatment is chest physiotherapy, which involves manual techniques to help clear mucus out of the airways. However, most studies don’t find it very useful.[4][5]


    1. ^Setor K Kunutsor, Samuel Seidu, Jari A LaukkanenPhysical activity reduces the risk of pneumonia: systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 prospective studies involving 1,044,492 participantsGeroscience.(2021 Nov 25)
    2. ^Setor K Kunutsor, Sae Young Jae, Jari A LaukkanenAttenuated Risk of Pneumonia Due to Inflammation by Frequent Sauna Baths: A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDYJ Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev.(2021 Mar 26)
    3. ^Kunutsor SK, Laukkanen T, Laukkanen JAFrequent sauna bathing may reduce the risk of pneumonia in middle-aged Caucasian men: The KIHD prospective cohort study.Respir Med.(2017-Nov)
    4. ^Chen X, Jiang J, Wang R, Fu H, Lu J, Yang MChest physiotherapy for pneumonia in adults.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2022-Sep-06)
    5. ^Chaves GS, Freitas DA, Santino TA, Nogueira PAM, Fregonezi GA, Mendonça KMChest physiotherapy for pneumonia in children.Cochrane Database Syst Rev.(2019-Jan-02)