Will losing weight help with PCOS?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    While weight loss is not necessary for women with PCOS to improve their condition, losing weight can benefit the hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance that are characteristic of PCOS. As little as a 5% reduction in weight has been shown to improve insulin resistance and menstrual function in women with PCOS.[1] Weight loss can be achieved through lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise, both of which can also improve insulin resistance and hormone levels independent of weight loss.[2][3][4]


    1. ^Rondanelli M, Perna S, Faliva M, Monteferrario F, Repaci E, Allieri FFocus on metabolic and nutritional correlates of polycystic ovary syndrome and update on nutritional management of these critical phenomena.Arch Gynecol Obstet.(2014-Dec)
    2. ^Farrell K, Antoni MHInsulin resistance, obesity, inflammation, and depression in polycystic ovary syndrome: biobehavioral mechanisms and interventions.Fertil Steril.(2010-Oct)
    3. ^Ross RDoes exercise without weight loss improve insulin sensitivity?Diabetes Care.(2003-Mar)
    4. ^Gower BA, Chandler-Laney PC, Ovalle F, Goree LL, Azziz R, Desmond RA, Granger WM, Goss AM, Bates GWFavourable metabolic effects of a eucaloric lower-carbohydrate diet in women with PCOS.Clin Endocrinol (Oxf).(2013-Oct)