What causes prediabetes?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    The causes of prediabetes overlap with those of type 2 diabetes, as the physiological defects that underlie the latter — insulin resistance and loss of pancreatic beta-cell (cells that produce and secrete insulin) function — are also present in prediabetes,[1][2] albeit to a lesser extent than in type 2 diabetes.

    The causes of prediabetes are multifactorial and are influenced by genetic predisposition and environment. However, excess energy intake and sedentary behavior, leading to the accumulation of more visceral fat than the individual can tolerate, are primarily responsible for the hyperglycemia that defines prediabetes.[3]


    1. ^Brannick B, Dagogo-Jack SPrediabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology and Interventions for Prevention and Risk Reduction.Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am.(2018-Mar)
    2. ^Abdul-Ghani MA, DeFronzo RAPathophysiology of prediabetes.Curr Diab Rep.(2009-Jun)
    3. ^Roy Taylor, Ambady Ramachandran, William S Yancy Jr, Nita G ForouhiNutritional basis of type 2 diabetes remissionBMJ.(2021 Jul 7)