Does BPH cause prostate cancer?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) refers to a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. The prevalence of BPH and prostate cancer both increase with advancing age, and there are a number of overlapping features between these conditions, including hormone-dependent growth and increased PSA levels. Moreover, inflammation and metabolic syndrome are common risk factors and variants of several genes are associated with an increased risk of both conditions.[1][2]

    The relationship between BPH and prostate cancer is not fully understood. Conflicting findings are common, but meta-analyses of observational studies tend to report an increased risk of prostate cancer with BPH.[3][4] However, a causal link between these conditions is far from established, and the association may be explained by the mere coexistence of two very common conditions,[5] rather than BPH being a risk factor for prostate cancer.


    1. ^Ørsted DD, Bojesen SEThe link between benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.Nat Rev Urol.(2013-Jan)
    2. ^Miah S, Catto JBPH and prostate cancer risk.Indian J Urol.(2014-Apr)
    3. ^Dai X, Fang X, Ma Y, Xianyu JBenign Prostatic Hyperplasia and the Risk of Prostate Cancer and Bladder Cancer: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies.Medicine (Baltimore).(2016-May)
    4. ^Zhang L, Wang Y, Qin Z, Gao X, Xing Q, Li R, Wang W, Song N, Zhang WCorrelation between Prostatitis, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer: A systematic review and Meta-analysis.J Cancer.(2020)
    5. ^Bostwick DG, Cooner WH, Denis L, Jones GW, Scardino PT, Murphy GPThe association of benign prostatic hyperplasia and cancer of the prostate.Cancer.(1992-Jul-01)