How could diet affect psoriatic arthritis?




    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    In some people with psoriatic arthritis, eating certain foods seems to trigger symptoms,[1] and certain diets, such as gluten free, low carbohydrate and Paleolithic are popular among patients.[2] Fasting, vegetarian, and Mediterranean-style diets have also been evaluated in patients with psoriatic arthritis, but the overall quality of evidence is low.

    Although the effect of different diet interventions is not clear, obesity is associated with significantly higher disease activity in psoriatic arthritis patients.[3] Thus, any diet leading to weight loss may be helpful for controlling disease symptoms.


    1. ^M Haugen, J Kjeldsen-Kragh, B Y Nordvåg, O FørreDiet and disease symptoms in rheumatic diseases--results of a questionnaire based surveyClin Rheumatol.(1991 Dec)
    2. ^Ladan Afifi, Melissa J Danesh, Kristina M Lee, Kevin Beroukhim, Benjamin Farahnik, Richard S Ahn, Di Yan, Rasnik K Singh, Mio Nakamura, John Koo, Wilson LiaoDietary Behaviors in Psoriasis: Patient-Reported Outcomes from a U.S. National SurveyDermatol Ther (Heidelb).(2017 Jun)
    3. ^Anand Kumthekar, Alexis OgdieObesity and Psoriatic Arthritis: A Narrative ReviewRheumatol Ther.(2020 Sep)