Have any supplements been studied for reactive hypoglycemia?

    Last Updated: March 11, 2024

    Currently, no supplements are known to be studied for RH specifically, but supplements that are effective for another, possibly overlapping condition known as dumping syndrome may also be effective for RH (see Other FAQs for further clarification).[1][2] Supplements have also been studied for more general blood glucose regulation, but these have not been specifically studied for RH.

    Regarding dumping syndrome, one systematic review found that bulking/thickening supplements, such as guar gum, pectin, and glucomannan, could reduce symptoms by slowing gastric emptying. However, these supplements can be poorly tolerated, due to side effects like gas and bloating.[1] Traditional Chinese herbs have also been explored for symptomatic improvement, but more studies of higher quality are required before any conclusions can be drawn regarding their efficacy and safety.[2]