Are there any other treatments for sickle cell disease?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Some studies have looked into the potential of marijuana to relieve pain crises in people with SCD, although the results were not conclusive and more data is needed.[1]

    Genetic therapies are also being explored, and some are being tested in clinical trials. They target the disease by either repairing a faulty gene or by adding a new genetic sequence that improves the way the cell works. No genetic therapy is currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for SCD, as no genetic therapy’s safety and efficacy for treatment of SCD has been established.[2]

    People with SCD are encouraged to drink more and keep hydrated, as dehydration can exacerbate pain crises. Staying updated with all recommended vaccinations, including the flu vaccination, is also crucial to prevent infections.[2]


    1. ^Paulsingh CN, Mohamed MB, Elhaj MS, Mohamed N, Ahmed TH, Singh T, Mohammed Z, Khan SThe Efficacy of Marijuana Use for Pain Relief in Adults With Sickle Cell Disease: A Systematic Review.Cureus.(2022-May)
    2. ^Sickle cell disease -Treatment: NIH(July 15, 2022)