What is sinusitis?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Sinusitis is the inflammation of the air cavities inside the skull (sinuses), usually due to a virus or a bacterial infection. Acute sinusitis is often caused by the common cold virus and normally goes away on its own in less than 4 weeks. Viral sinusitis is one of the most common reasons for improper prescription of antibiotics. Chronic sinusitis lasts for longer than 8 weeks and affects up to 12% of the general population.[1]


    1. ^Fokkens WJ, Lund VJ, Hopkins C, Hellings PW, Kern R, Reitsma S, Toppila-Salmi S, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, Mullol J, Alobid I, Terezinha Anselmo-Lima W, Bachert C, Baroody F, von Buchwald C, Cervin A, Cohen N, Constantinidis J, De Gabory L, Desrosiers M, Diamant Z, Douglas RG, Gevaert PH, Hafner A, Harvey RJ, Joos GF, Kalogjera L, Knill A, Kocks JH, Landis BN, Limpens J, Lebeer S, Lourenco O, Meco C, Matricardi PM, O'Mahony L, Philpott CM, Ryan D, Schlosser R, Senior B, Smith TL, Teeling T, Tomazic PV, Wang DY, Wang D, Zhang L, Agius AM, Ahlstrom-Emanuelsson C, Alabri R, Albu S, Alhabash S, Aleksic A, Aloulah M, Al-Qudah M, Alsaleh S, Baban MA, Baudoin T, Balvers T, Battaglia P, Bedoya JD, Beule A, Bofares KM, Braverman I, Brozek-Madry E, Richard B, Callejas C, Carrie S, Caulley L, Chussi D, de Corso E, Coste A, El Hadi U, Elfarouk A, Eloy PH, Farrokhi S, Felisati G, Ferrari MD, Fishchuk R, Grayson W, Goncalves PM, Grdinic B, Grgic V, Hamizan AW, Heinichen JV, Husain S, Ping TI, Ivaska J, Jakimovska F, Jovancevic L, Kakande E, Kamel R, Karpischenko S, Kariyawasam HH, Kawauchi H, Kjeldsen A, Klimek L, Krzeski A, Kopacheva Barsova G, Kim SW, Lal D, Letort JJ, Lopatin A, Mahdjoubi A, Mesbahi A, Netkovski J, Nyenbue Tshipukane D, Obando-Valverde A, Okano M, Onerci M, Ong YK, Orlandi R, Otori N, Ouennoughy K, Ozkan M, Peric A, Plzak J, Prokopakis E, Prepageran N, Psaltis A, Pugin B, Raftopulos M, Rombaux P, Riechelmann H, Sahtout S, Sarafoleanu CC, Searyoh K, Rhee CS, Shi J, Shkoukani M, Shukuryan AK, Sicak M, Smyth D, Sindvongs K, Soklic Kosak T, Stjarne P, Sutikno B, Steinsvag S, Tantilipikorn P, Thanaviratananich S, Tran T, Urbancic J, Valiulius A, Vasquez de Aparicio C, Vicheva D, Virkkula PM, Vicente G, Voegels R, Wagenmann MM, Wardani RS, Welge-Lussen A, Witterick I, Wright E, Zabolotniy D, Zsolt B, Zwetsloot CPEuropean Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020.Rhinology.(2020-Feb-20)