Are there any other treatments for traumatic brain injury?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Multiple new medical treatments are being studied for use in TBI. Statins, a class of drugs used primarily to reduce cholesterol, can reduce inflammation in the vascular system, and may reduce neural cell death after an injury.[1] Progesterone, a neurosteroid, is being investigated for potential neuroprotective effects.[2] Cyclosporin A is an immunosuppressive drug that is also being looked into for neuroprotective properties, although finding an effective dosage is difficult because high doses can have severe side effects.[3] Targeted temperature management is sometimes used as a neuroprotective strategy. It involves lowering the body temperature in an attempt to lower the oxygen demand of the brain tissue.[4] Hyperbaric oxygen therapy focuses instead on providing more oxygen to the damaged tissue. High pressure environments, like those generated in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, make it possible to have higher than normal oxygenation levels in the blood. This oxygen can be absorbed into the brain tissue, and potentially help the brain to heal more efficiently.[5][6] Erythropoietin (EPO) treatment has been used for TBI as well. EPO is a type of cytokine that helps the body produce red blood cells. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and shows some promise in neuroprotection and improving outcomes in people with TBI.[7][8] Persisting functional impairments may require long-term interventions from medical specialists. These may include cognitive behavioral therapy, balance training, and vestibular therapy.[9][10][11]


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    2. ^Pan ZY, Zhao YH, Huang WH, Xiao ZZ, Li ZQEffect of progesterone administration on the prognosis of patients with severe traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.Drug Des Devel Ther.(2019)
    3. ^Dixon CE, Bramlett HM, Dietrich WD, Shear DA, Yan HQ, Deng-Bryant Y, Mondello S, Wang KK, Hayes RL, Empey PE, Povlishock JT, Tortella FC, Kochanek PMCyclosporine Treatment in Traumatic Brain Injury: Operation Brain Trauma Therapy.J Neurotrauma.(2016-Mar-15)
    4. ^Madden LK, Hill M, May TL, Human T, Guanci MM, Jacobi J, Moreda MV, Badjatia NThe Implementation of Targeted Temperature Management: An Evidence-Based Guideline from the Neurocritical Care Society.Neurocrit Care.(2017-Dec)
    5. ^Biggs AT, Dainer HM, Littlejohn LFEffect sizes for symptomatic and cognitive improvements in traumatic brain injury following hyperbaric oxygen therapy.J Appl Physiol (1985).(2021-May-01)
    6. ^Harch PGSystematic Review and Dosage Analysis: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Efficacy in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Persistent Postconcussion Syndrome.Front Neurol.(2022)
    7. ^Cai JFToward a comprehensive evaluation of alternative medicine.Soc Sci Med.(1987)
    8. ^Katiyar V, Chaturvedi A, Sharma R, Gurjar HK, Goda R, Singla R, Ganeshkumar AMeta-Analysis with Trial Sequential Analysis on the Efficacy and Safety of Erythropoietin in Traumatic Brain Injury: A New Paradigm.World Neurosurg.(2020-Oct)
    9. ^Schneider KJ, Critchley ML, Anderson V, Davis GA, Debert CT, Feddermann-Demont N, Gagnon I, Guskiewicz KM, Hayden KA, Herring S, Johnstone C, Makdissi M, Master CL, Moser RS, Patricios JS, Register-Mihalik JK, Ronksley PE, Silverberg ND, Yeates KOTargeted interventions and their effect on recovery in children, adolescents and adults who have sustained a sport-related concussion: a systematic review.Br J Sports Med.(2023-Jun)
    10. ^Xin Li, Yuwei Feng, Jianping Xia, Xuan Zhou, Nan Chen, Zhengquan Chen, Qimeng Fan, Hong Wang, Peiyuan Ding, Qing DuEffects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Pain and Sleep in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisNeural Plast.(2021 Nov 11)
    11. ^Søberg HL, Andelic N, Langhammer B, Tamber AL, Bruusgaard KA, Kleffelgaard IEffect of vestibular rehabilitation on change in health-related quality of life in patients with dizziness and balance problems after traumatic brain injury: A randomized controlled trial.J Rehabil Med.(2021-Apr-21)