What causes traveler’s diarrhea?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Traveler’s diarrhea occurs due to the consumption of food and/or water contaminated with bacteria, parasites, or viruses, generally resulting from poor sanitation practices.[1] Infection leads to an increase in the excretion of fluid and electrolytes via the gastrointestinal tract, leading to diarrhea.[2]

    Most cases of traveler’s diarrhea are caused by pathogenic bacteria, with Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Salmonella species, and Shigella species being the most common.[3] If traveler’s diarrhea lasts more than 2 weeks, the infection is more likely to be due to a parasite such as Giardia intestinalis.[2][1].


    1. ^Steffen R, Hill DR, DuPont HLTraveler's diarrhea: a clinical reviewJAMA.(2015 Jan 6)
    2. ^Leung AKC, Leung AAM, Wong AHC, Hon KLTravelers' Diarrhea: A Clinical Review.Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov.(2019)
    3. ^Moore KSTravelers' diarrhea: Risk reduction and management.Nurse Pract.(2015-Nov-15)