What is traveler’s diarrhea?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Traveler’s diarrhea causes loose, watery stools that last an average of 4 to 5 days and self-resolve in most people.[1] Traveler’s diarrhea occurs due to the consumption of food and water contaminated with bacteria, parasites, or viruses, generally resulting from poor sanitation practices.[1] A 2010 study of over 3,000 Europeans traveling to developing nations found that traveler’s diarrhea occurred in 10% to 40% of participants during a two-week trip.[2] Similar results have been reported in American travelers.[3] This condition occurs equally in men and women; prevalence depends on the destination, food choices, length of stay, season of travel (the incidence is highest during the summer), and the traveler’s country of origin.[4][1]. Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to traveler’s diarrhea.[1]


    1. ^Steffen R, Hill DR, DuPont HLTraveler's diarrhea: a clinical reviewJAMA.(2015 Jan 6)
    2. ^Pitzurra R, Steffen R, Tschopp A, Mutsch MDiarrhoea in a large prospective cohort of European travellers to resource-limited destinations.BMC Infect Dis.(2010-Aug-04)
    3. ^Fernandez V, Ahmed SM, Graves MC, Pender MA, Shoemaker H, Birich H, Pupaibool J, Benson LS, Leung DTIncidence Rate and Risk Factors Associated with Travelers' Diarrhea in International Travelers Departing from Utah, USA.Am J Trop Med Hyg.(2022-Oct-12)
    4. ^Leung AKC, Leung AAM, Wong AHC, Hon KLTravelers' Diarrhea: A Clinical Review.Recent Pat Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov.(2019)