What are some of the main medical treatments for tree nut allergy?

    Last Updated: October 25, 2023

    Avoiding exposure to tree nuts is the first line of treatment for a tree nut allergy. This includes not eating foods that may be contaminated with tree nuts.[1]

    When exposure does occur, medications can be used to treat allergic signs and symptoms. If the reaction is mild, antihistamines may be helpful, but severe reactions should be treated with epinephrine.[2] Prompt treatment is critical in preventing life-threatening reactions. For this reason, most people with a tree nut allergy are prescribed an epinephrine auto-injector and are instructed to carry it with them at all times in case of an emergency.


    1. ^Midun E, Radulovic S, Brough H, Caubet JCRecent advances in the management of nut allergy.World Allergy Organ J.(2021-Jan)
    2. ^Lomas JM, Järvinen KMManaging nut-induced anaphylaxis: challenges and solutions.J Asthma Allergy.(2015)